Friday, December 9, 2011

Last Lunar Eclipse of the year

The final lunar eclipse of the year will occur on December 10.
It will be visible from all of Asia and Australia, seen as rising over eastern Europe, and setting over northwest North America. In the Philippines & Malaysia, the lunar eclipse is visible just after sunset.
Dr. Chandana Jayaratne, Senior Lecturer in Physics, University of Colombo said a bright red, soft turquoise, total lunar eclipse is visible to Sri Lanka on Saturday, December 10, full Moon day midnight. This is not only the last eclipse of this year but also the last total lunar eclipse visible to the world until 2014.
The eclipse begins at 5.04 p.m. on 10th evening with the Moon entering into the penumbra of the Earth's shadow (less dark shadow) and ends up at 11.00 p.m. Sri Lanka standard time on Saturday (10) night. The visible part of the eclipse for the observers begins around 6.16 p.m. with the moonrise from the eastern skies when Moon enters into the Umbra - the dark part of the Earth’s shadow and the eclipse will appear till the Moon leaves the Umbra at 9.48 p.m. The total eclipse (i.e. the Moon is fully covered by the dark shadow of the earth) is visible for a period of 51 minutes from 7.36 p.m. till 8.27 p.m. with the greatest eclipse occurring at 8.02 p.m. The entire event is visible from Asia and Australia.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

World AIDS Day 2011

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a condition caused by a virus called HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus). This virus attacks the immune system, the body's "security force" that fights off infections. 
HIV/AIDS... Symptoms.
The time elapsed between exposure to HIV virus and appearance of symptoms is called window period. 
Some HIV infected patients remain without symptoms for years together during the window period. 
Common symptoms appearing in an AIDS patient are-
Lengthy inexplicable fatigue, headache, loss of weight.
Swelling in joints, joint pain.
Intermittent fever and chills, Cough
Frequent diarrhoea and occasional constipation
Excessive sweating especially during night
Swelling gums and sore throat.
Generalized itching
Skin rashes, genital sores
Anxiety, stress and tension.
Blurred vision, decreased vision.
Chest pain, back pain, muscle pain, abdominal pain.
HIV/AIDS... Causes of Infection.
Epidemiological studies have shown that there are only three modes of transmission of HIV infection:-
1) Through sexual intercourse:
2) Through Blood and Blood products : This includes-
  •   Transfusion of contaminated blood.
  •   Using contaminated needles and syringes.
  •   Through contaminated instruments like razors.
3) Vertical transmission: From infected mother to baby.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saturn's patterns with year 2012

We are going to start the year 2012 with the benevolent Jupiter positioned in Aries, a sign owned by a great friend, Mars. Meanwhile, Saturn has moved to Libra, which is also the house of a friend. This auspicious combination of both the great planets Jupiter and Saturn in the house of their friends brings hope, clarity and resolve to our lives.Saturn and Venus, both great friends, are located in signs ruled by each other, Venus in Capricorn and Saturn in Libra. This is the sign of exaltation for Venus. Thus the value of design, pattern and long term planning cannot be overemphasized as a theme for the year ahead. When Venus catches up with Jupiter in Aries around March, we can expect some breakthroughs in global negotiations and personal situations.From May 2012 onward s, unprecedented changes in the economies of the world are predicted. Market for jobs will open up, bringing unemployment levels down to single digits, in most of the developing as well as developed countries. This change is caused by the inter-planetary forces of Jupiter, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Ketu being positioned in Taurus at the same time. Consumption will be once again the focus with Venus taking the lead in urging all of us to consume and prosper.However, once Saturn changes signs in the month of September, and moves into Virgo, things will start falling into place almost magically. Things will ease up and we will get recognized and rewarded for our hard work. Watch out for tumultuous times for a brief period in October, when the Sun also moves into Virgo and meets up with Saturn. It might be a period of global conflicts as well as conflicts in our own home.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

The total lunar eclipse

 Total lunar eclipse on June 15, 2011.

This relatively rare central eclipse - meaning the moon will pass near the center of Earth's shadow - promises to be longer and darker than usual. A similar eclipse will not occur until 2018. This could be one of the more spectacular lunar eclipses for some time!
This was witnessed around 10:54 pm Local time and the total phase itself lasts for 100 minutes said The Arthur C Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies (ACCIMT).
See the video of the June 15, 2011 lunar eclipse through this link:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Shree Sambuddhathva Jayanthiya - 2600

“Those who have high thoughts are ever striving;
 they are not happy to remain in the same place. 
Like swans that leave their lake and 
rise into the air, 
they leave their home and
 fly for a higher home.”

Sududdasam sunipunam


cittam rakketha medhavi

cittam guttam sukhavaham.

The mind is very difficult to see, 
very delicate and subtle;
 it moves and lands wherever it pleases. 
The wise one should guard his mind,
 for a guarded mind brings happiness

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hello There...!

Life is a miracle,
                               don't let it slip away,
                          Open your heart to others,
                                give of yourself each day.
                          See the beauty in everyone,
                                regardless of where they've been.
                          Sometimes have a difficult journey,
                                and really need friends...