Thursday, December 1, 2011

World AIDS Day 2011

AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is a condition caused by a virus called HIV(Human Immunodeficiency Virus). This virus attacks the immune system, the body's "security force" that fights off infections. 
HIV/AIDS... Symptoms.
The time elapsed between exposure to HIV virus and appearance of symptoms is called window period. 
Some HIV infected patients remain without symptoms for years together during the window period. 
Common symptoms appearing in an AIDS patient are-
Lengthy inexplicable fatigue, headache, loss of weight.
Swelling in joints, joint pain.
Intermittent fever and chills, Cough
Frequent diarrhoea and occasional constipation
Excessive sweating especially during night
Swelling gums and sore throat.
Generalized itching
Skin rashes, genital sores
Anxiety, stress and tension.
Blurred vision, decreased vision.
Chest pain, back pain, muscle pain, abdominal pain.
HIV/AIDS... Causes of Infection.
Epidemiological studies have shown that there are only three modes of transmission of HIV infection:-
1) Through sexual intercourse:
2) Through Blood and Blood products : This includes-
  •   Transfusion of contaminated blood.
  •   Using contaminated needles and syringes.
  •   Through contaminated instruments like razors.
3) Vertical transmission: From infected mother to baby.

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