Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Saturn's patterns with year 2012

We are going to start the year 2012 with the benevolent Jupiter positioned in Aries, a sign owned by a great friend, Mars. Meanwhile, Saturn has moved to Libra, which is also the house of a friend. This auspicious combination of both the great planets Jupiter and Saturn in the house of their friends brings hope, clarity and resolve to our lives.Saturn and Venus, both great friends, are located in signs ruled by each other, Venus in Capricorn and Saturn in Libra. This is the sign of exaltation for Venus. Thus the value of design, pattern and long term planning cannot be overemphasized as a theme for the year ahead. When Venus catches up with Jupiter in Aries around March, we can expect some breakthroughs in global negotiations and personal situations.From May 2012 onward s, unprecedented changes in the economies of the world are predicted. Market for jobs will open up, bringing unemployment levels down to single digits, in most of the developing as well as developed countries. This change is caused by the inter-planetary forces of Jupiter, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Ketu being positioned in Taurus at the same time. Consumption will be once again the focus with Venus taking the lead in urging all of us to consume and prosper.However, once Saturn changes signs in the month of September, and moves into Virgo, things will start falling into place almost magically. Things will ease up and we will get recognized and rewarded for our hard work. Watch out for tumultuous times for a brief period in October, when the Sun also moves into Virgo and meets up with Saturn. It might be a period of global conflicts as well as conflicts in our own home.

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